Navigate Your Divorce With A Certified Family Law Specialist
Divorce is a serious and often painful process that should not be taken lightly, especially if children are involved. Normally, people contemplating divorce have some idea of what to expect from a divorce. They have witnessed divorces on television and in movies, and often personally know at least a handful of people who have been through a divorce. Increasingly, people have also experienced their own parents’ divorce.
Despite this “second-hand” experience, facing your own divorce is one of the more frightening events in life. In many cases, there is the frightening prospect of no longer seeing your children daily. At the Law Offices of Steven A. Dinneen P.C., our California lawyers work to offer you the best chance of being satisfied with the result of your divorce. With offices in San Jose, we offer clients aggressive representation with compassion for their personal needs.
What Divorce Can Help Decide For You
Divorce is good for determining who should get what in a split. Property division is one of the most complicated areas of divorce. Most states will exclude from this division any property that was acquired prior to the marriage or that was acquired via gift or inheritance. Divorce is also good for determining a couple’s support obligations. This can come in the form of child support and spousal support (also called alimony). Child support payments are now largely set by state law, but deviation from those standards is not uncommon.
Aside from the distribution of wealth, the other main function divorce is good for is to set child custody and visitation schedules. This too is anything but predictable. While courts often try to make their decision based on a set of factors said to promote the “best interest” of the child, these decisions can vary from case to case and court to court. Our lawyers know how to help you get the best possible outcome in any area of divorce.
Get The Representation You Deserve
Divorces can be extremely stressful. Without a knowledgeable family law attorney by your side, you leave yourself in a very vulnerable state. Let our experience guide you toward a resolution that will allow you and your family to move forward in peace. In addition to complex, high-value asset divorce cases, we also help people with same-sex divorces, military divorces, legal separations and more.
Contact us by calling 408-550-1740 or by emailing us here to speak with a member of our team. Schedule a complimentary consultation to discuss your options.