Keeping Child Support Fair
After a divorce, the noncustodial parent still has obligations toward contributing to raising their children. Noncustodial parents are required by law to pay a monthly allowance, or child support, to help the custodial parent cover their child’s expenses. An order of child support may follow a divorce or a determination of paternity.
At the Law Offices of Steven A. Dinneen P.C., we know how important child support is in maintaining the well-being of children. We also know that there are those who can try to use it as a weapon against their ex-spouse or get out of paying it altogether. With our office in San Jose, our legal team believes in protecting the best interests of children involved in divorce and keeping things fair for everyone across the board.
Know How Child Support Works
Child support is the financial support paid by parents to support a child or children of whom they do not have full custody. A parent can enter into child support voluntarily, by court order or by an administrative agency (the process depends on the state or tribe). The noncustodial parent, or obligor, often has an obligation to the custodial parent, or obligee.
In some cases where someone other than the parent has custody, like if a child is under state custody in foster care or living with grandparents, the state or grandparent becomes the obligee and receives child support payments on behalf of the child.
Child support is more than a simple monthly payment. Child support serves several important goals:
- It reduces poverty and financial insecurity among children and custodial parents.
- It reduces public spending on welfare by preventing single-parent families from entering the welfare system and helping them leave the system more quickly.
- Child support collection also positively affects family relationships and increases the involvement of noncustodial parents in children’s lives.
We hold these ideals close to our family law-dedicated practice, and we fight to maintain them when it comes time to negotiate or modify a child support agreement.
Get Things Right In Child Support
If you are approaching a child support negotiation, or are even in the middle of it, secure the services of an attorney who can help make sure things are fair for you and right by your children. At the Law Offices of Steven A. Dinneen P.C., our attorneys have more than 25 years of combined negotiation and litigation experience for families who need help — and we are ready to put that experience to work to help you get the best possible outcome for your situation.
If you are in the San Jose area, contact a compassionate lawyer to fight for you and your children, by calling us at 408-645-0011 or emailing us here.