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Divorce and the empty-nest syndrome

On Behalf of | Sep 27, 2023 | Divorce

A couple’s life can change significantly once they become empty-nesters in California. After years of raising children and having most of their decisions focused on this, they suddenly find themselves alone, with more free time on their hands, and a period of reflection begins. For a rising number of empty-nesters, the result is the decision to end their marriage. However, that decision should come after carefully considering the impact of divorce.

Why are empty-nesters getting divorced?

Once the children are grown and have moved out, parents might finally get a chance to focus almost exclusively on themselves, as individuals and as a couple, in a way they might not have been able to since the beginning of the parenting journey. By then, however, they might be facing several things that might lead them to consider a divorce, including:

  • Having grown apart in their interests and finding no middle ground
  • Facing long-buried issues between them that can no longer be avoided
  • Deciding that they owe it to themselves to find true happiness if the marriage is no longer providing it

What should they consider before deciding to end a marriage?

The decision to divorce as empty-nesters is not an easy one. It can bring about feelings of fear and anxiety. Before taking this major step in life, couples should consider the impact it will have on them, including:

  • The emotional effect on their adult children
  • The change in living arrangements for both spouses
  • The financial impact, particularly on retirement plans

An empty-nest divorce is not the answer for every couple, but it will be for some. It is important to consider what you want out of life in the future without ignoring the practical considerations that will also affect reaching your goal.